National Board of Tourism is a non-profit organization with 17 years of history, which represents and defends the interests of the leading companies - investors in the tourism and related business activities in Bulgaria, which represents significant part of the GDP. In overall business, the organization has always enforced for statehood and sound economic sense.

NBT was the first national cross-sector interest group with the aim of improving the quality of national tourism standards and communication between the brands. The association serves as a unique platform uniting all stakeholders of the Bulgarian tourism industry across country. This includes, for instance, hotel and restaurant facilities, tourism complexes and resorts, associations, and scientific institutes. The second main task of the association will be the further development of the international relations with other non-profit organizations of the European and world level. The objective is to achieve better communication with the world experts and professionals in the field of tourism, more transparency with regard to consumer protection and a fairer competition in European and World tourism.

The NTB Mission

We aim to achieve synergy with the central administration, local self-government and the business community in a drive to improve local economies and create new job opportunities.

The National Tourism Board formulates problems and general issues of common interest, the solution of which will lead to a competitive increase the capacity of the Bulgarian tourist product related to regional development, infrastructure, concessions, promotion of new tourism products, development of new markets, training of staff, construction of a network of tourist agencies abroad.

The NTB Vision

The NTB Vision 2030 for the Strategic Positioning of Destination Bulgaria:

Security for the ecosystems and the services they provide.

Accessible environment.

Offer traditional products in a traditional setting.

Well known local quality brands.

Tourist attractions – cultural and natural landmarks and intangible cultural heritage with friends in this country and abroad.

Substantial contribution of tourism to the improvement of local economies and creating new job opportunities.

NTB Statistics

Total number of beds of NTB members: 51 852

Total number of overnight bed-stays: 18 925 980

Market share of bed places: 16,07%

Market share against total number of overnight stays: 41,57%

Number of actual overnight stays in 2016: 8 895 210

Number of visitors received: 1 853 168

Average duration of stay: 4,8 days

Average annual occupancy rate: 47%

Total receipts from overnight stays: BGN 610 million

Average price per night: BGN 68.50

Average spend per head: BGN 754.07

Total tourism receipts: BGN 1,397,288,672

Share of the total tourism receipts: 23,28%


  • Ангел Палийски

    Angel Paliiski

    Angel Paliiski is member of the Management Board of the National Tourism Board Association. Continue reading

  • Kalin Peshov

    Mr. Kalin Peshov obtained his bachelor's degree at the Technical University of Sofia and later on graduated from Business School... Continue reading

  • Максим Солаков

    Maksim Solakov

    Mr. Maksim Solakov is a Member of the Management Board of the National Tourism Board representing Bulimpex, which develope Helena... Continue reading

  • Lachezar Todorov

    Lachezar Todorov is member of the Management Board of the National Tourism Board Association. Lachezar Todorov - CEO of "Terra... Continue reading